Department of Biology
University of Vermont
Tang, L.T.* , Lee, G.A.*, Cook, S.J., Ho, J., Potter, C.C., Bülow, H.E. (2023). Anatomical restructuring of a lateralized neural circuit during associative learning by asymmetric insulin signaling. Curr Biol. 2023 Aug 10:S0960-9822(23)00982-X
Ramirez-Suarez, N.J., Belalcazar, H. M., Rahman, M., Trivedi, M., Tang, L.T., Buelow, H.E. (2023). Convertase-dependent regulation of a membrane tethered ligand in trans tunes dendrite adhesion. Development dev.201208.
Trivedi, M., Camara, C.J., Bülow, H.E., Tang, L.T (2023). CRISPR-mediated genome editing allows for efficient on demand creation of >200 kb deficiencies with precise boundaries. MicroPublication
Tang, L.T.*, Trivedi, M.*, Freund, J., Salazar, C.J., Rahman, M., Ramirez-Suarez, N.J., Lee, G., Wang, Y., Grant, B.D., Bülow, H.E.(2021). The CATP-8/P5A-type ATPase functions in multiple pathways during neuronal patterning. PLoS Genet.;17(7):e1009475.
Cook, S.J., Jarrell, T.A., Brittin, C.A., Wang, Y., Bloniarz, A.E., Yakovlev, M.A., Nguyen, K.C.Q, Tang, L.T., Bayer, E.A., Duerr, J.S., Bülow, H.E., Hobert, O., Hall, D.H., Emmons, S.W. (2019). Whole-animal connectomes of both Caenorhabditis elegans sexes. Nature 571(7763). 63-71
Tang, L.T.*, Diaz-Balzac, C.A.*, Rahman, M., Ramirez-Suarez, N.J., Salzberg, Y., Bülow, H.E. (2019). The TIAM-1 guanine nucleotide exchange factor sahpes somatosensory dendrites independently of Rac1 guanine nucleotide exchange actibity by controlling F-actin localization. ELife 8
Celestrin, K., Díaz-Balzac, C., Tang L.T., Ackley B.D., Bülow. H.E. (2018). Four specific Ig domains in UNC-52/Perlecan function with NID-1/Nidogen during dendrite morphogenesis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Development. 145(10)
Tang, L.T., Craig, T.J. & Henley, J.M. (2015). SUMOylation of synapsin Ia maintains synaptic vesicle availability and is reduced in an autism mutation. Nat Commun 6, 7728
Luo, J., Ashikaga, E., Rubin, P.P., Heimann, M.J., Hildick, K.L., Bishop, P., Girach, F., Josa-Prado, F., Tang, L.T., Carmichael, R.E., et al. (2013). Receptor trafficking and the regulation of synaptic plasticity by SUMO. Neuromolecular Med 15, 692-706.
Lee, M.M., Fekner, T., Tang, T.H., Wang, L., Chan, A.H., Hsu, P.H., Au, S.W., and Chan, M.K. (2013). A click-and-release pyrrolysine analogue. Chembiochem 14, 805-808.
*Equal Contributions
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